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It’s completely free. It is simple. And it’s the law.

811 or (800) 642-2444 are the official nationwide phone numbers to call prior to digging and to locate underground utility lines, including gas pipelines and electric lines. This free service, required by law, can help prevent damage and possible injury.

It is essential not to make risky assumptions. Even projects you may think are small, such as planting a garden or installing a mailbox or a fence, require you to contact 811 to have utility lines marked before starting your digging project.

Digging into a pipe is the most common cause of a gas pipeline rupture, which can have serious consequences. The homeowner or contractor who causes the damage is responsible for all repair costs, which average more than $1,500.

If you want to learn more about 811, you can visit or

The FCC introduced the 811 number to prevent accidental damage to underground utility lines. There are over 100 billion feet of buried utilities in the U.S. Calling 811 before digging can reduce damage to less than 1%. Cables and pipes can be found at shallow depths, so call regardless of how deep you dig. Contacting USA North 811 for a utility locate request is free. The utility members fund the center to provide a free service that prevents damage to underground utilities.

What to know:

If you damage or come into contact with a buried utility line, call Underground Services. They can be reached at 811 or (800) 642-2444. If a natural gas line is damaged, move to a safe location. Call 911 first, and then call your gas company.

Website: for more information.

This is an image for the 811 Call Before You Dig Know What's below service

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